Accessing Privex.IO via I2P

As of the start of July 2019, we now offer our website and payment portal as an Eeepsite on the I2P network

This allows you to access our website securely and anonymously from within the I2P network.

Main website (

If you're running I2P on the same computer you're browsing this page from (on localhost, port 7657), you can add our privex.i2p domain to your I2P address book simply by clicking the below link:

Add privex.i2p to your local I2P addressbook

Alternatively, you can add our base64 destination to your addressbook manually:

Hostname: privex.i2p

Destination (base64):


You can also access the I2P eepsite via the Base32 (b32.i2p) link: omgulpderyhggjbaksgcccvjk76yvbp5rsnm4uos2mqfe5iv765q.b32.i2p

Payment Gateway / Order Form (

If you're running I2P on the same computer you're browsing this page from (on localhost, port 7657), you can add our privex.i2p domain to your I2P address book simply by clicking the below link:

Add pay.privex.i2p to your local I2P addressbook

Alternatively, you can add our base64 destination to your addressbook manually:

Hostname: pay.privex.i2p

Destination (base64):


You can also access the Payments I2P eepsite via the Base32 (b32.i2p) link: cz25423yahhbd2wavtwupsbcbdg6wkn5vvh3466hbmmrzlu4wxyq.b32.i2p